Photo Credit: Bob DeChiara-USA TODAY Sports
Dwight Howard Ate 24 Candy Bars Every Day For 10 Years
Dwight Howard is, and always has been one of the most ripped players. You would think that someone like him eats healthy and maybe even has his own nutritionist.
But, an ESPN story on the NBA’s secret addiction to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches also revealed that Dwight Howard used to eat 24 candy bars worth of candy each day for over a decade.
To alter Howard’s diet, though, Shanahan first had to understand it. After calls with his bodyguard, chef and a personal assistant, she uncovered a startling fact: Howard had been scarfing down about two dozen chocolate bars’ worth of sugar every single day for years, possibly as long as a decade. “You name it, he ate it,” she says. Skittles, Starbursts, Rolos, Snickers, Mars bars, Twizzlers, Almond Joys, Kit Kats and oh, how he loved Reese’s Pieces. He’d eat them before lunch, after lunch, before dinner, after dinner, and like any junkie, he had stashes all over — in his kitchen, his bedroom, his car, a fix always within reach. She told his assistants to empty his house, and they hauled out his monstrous candy stash in boxes — yes, boxes, plural. Howard ultimately vowed to go clean all at once, but before he committed to cutting the junk in his diet, he asked Shanahan one question. It was about one food he wasn’t willing to surrender, one snack at which he had to draw the line. He wanted to know whether he could still eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
The candies he used to eat have about 230 calories per piece. Combine all of them, and you’ll get more than 5,500 calories per day, in candy, not counting the ‘normal’ food he also ate.
Turns out Superman is more vulnerable to Reese’s Pieces than he is to kryptonite. It’s a miracle that he doesn’t have diabetes.