Are Kevin Durant And Voldemort The Same Person?
NBA reddit was at its best again. One my favorite places for ‘not-so-serious’ NBA-entertainment during the summers (as an active member). Redditor sixtycoffees set up a new thesis that claims that Kevin Durant is actually Voldemort.
He’s not making this assumption out of the blue, but added some compelling evidence. It all makes sense now!
- Associated with snakes
- Was a prodigy when he was younger, now is just hated
- Is way stronger than his main rival (7 horcruxes and 4 all stars vs. LeHarry who’s pretty much on his own)
- Has beef with random teenagers
“Has beef with random teenagers” nearly ended me pic.twitter.com/2HRzz39xPL
— Andy Larsen (@andyblarsen) August 26, 2018