Home » Former Raptors Coach Sam Mitchell Unsuccessfully Tried Everything To Stop Allen Iverson, Including Using Toronto Nightlife

Former Raptors Coach Sam Mitchell Unsuccessfully Tried Everything To Stop Allen Iverson, Including Using Toronto Nightlife

by Len Werle
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Former Raptors Coach Sam Mitchell Unsuccessfully Tried Everything To Stop Allen Iverson, Including Using Toronto Nightlife


Philadelphia 76ers legend Allen Iverson is considered to be one of the most groundbreaking players in NBA history.

His skills, unique style, and devastating crossover–to go with his 6’0” frame–put him in the same breath with some of the all-time greats. Iverson went toe-to-toe with many of them, and never backed down from a fight.

The Answer also liked to party. Former Toronto Raptors coach Sam Mitchell wanted to use this fact as an opportunity to slow Iverson down before an early game the next day. 

Iverson was sitting in Mitchell’s favorite restaurant and Mitchell kept sending one bottle of champagne after another to his table. While Iverson drank ’em all, it did not work out in coach’s favor, as Iverson destroyed the Raptors the day after no matter what.


“When I was coaching in Toronto one night, I saw him out at a restaurant. We had a 12 o’clock game, and this was one of my favorite restaurants. So the bartender called me and said AI is in here with a bunch of players and friends. So I told him keep sending him champagne on me, just give it to him, say it’s on the house. So about 12 o’clock the guy called me, he still in there and I’m like keep feeding.

I come out the tunnel, AI runs by me he said ‘coach, I know that was you sending all that champagne to the table’. He said I want you to understand something. I drank it all and I’m still gonna give you 50 tonight…

…It didn’t work. I think he had like 42 or something like that.”


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